When it comes to service truck bodies, the devil is in the details. Truck bodies must be cohesive to the business they are built to serve, yet too often this concept falls to the wayside.
Many skilled laborers are excited upon the arrival of a new service body, only to find the addition brings lackluster results.
Even worse, many find themselves in a position of needing another utility truck body just a few years down the road due to heavy usage.
This is not good (obviously, I know).
Here are some common truck body mistakes that can be rectified, keeping you more productive, saving more money, and ultimately making you happier (or, as happy as you can be while working).
The truck body is not upfitted for productivity and workflow
This is numero uno when it comes to subpar truck body results. In today’s specialized, customized marketplace, upfitting your truck body to match your exact line of work is quite important.
The process of upfitting your truck body is not a difficult one (though it may seem tedious at face value).
One must simply take an audit of all necessary work and storage functions necessary to their line of work and workflow and request the truck body manufacturer implement these functions on the body.
Many manufacturers will gladly upfit your truck to coincide with your needs, and you should demand it. Otherwise, you run the risk of acquiring a truck body that does not add value to your business.
Not utilizing space to the fullest degree
One would imagine that in this day and age, everyone would know that it is crucial to account for all space on a work truck. This is sadly not the case.
When looking at truck bodies, ensure that all space on the deck and boxes is accounted for to maximize hauling capabilities and keep you organized. This is even more important when you add a crane into the mix.
Making sure that your truck body is built to handle any scenario that may arise should be at the forefront when contemplating making a new purchase or acquisition.
Mismatched or mismanaged spacing on a truck body leads to unusable space.
That’s not all that practical.
You’re a practical person.
Make sure a truck body is designed to work for you.
Poorly designed or constructed utility truck boxes
Another immensely important aspect of truck body optimization is the design and construction of the individual utility truck boxes and cabinets.
Let’s start with poorly manufactured truck boxes. They are prone to denting, damage, and can cause a massive headache of deformed (often needing full repair to regain functionality).
Ensuring that the truck boxes are built with strong structural integrity and careful welding can alleviate many issue down the road.
If possible, opt for double walled utility truck boxes, as they will provide an additional layer of support.
Secondly, inspect the truck body cabinet design to be certain that the layout and structure will integrate well with your intended storage uses within the truck.
Don’t settle for a one-size-fits-all style of truck box, otherwise you are going to have to settle for less-than-suitable storage options that may interfere with your ability to quickly get work done.
Short truck body lifespan
Truck body lifetime is all too often an afterthought.
One of those, “I’ll deal with it when the time comes,” scenarios.
Don’t let it be. This mistake could cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars if overlooked in the early stages of service truck body selection.
Older truck bodies were constructed with stainless steel. While stainless steel is rust-resistant, year after year of exposure to the elements will eventually result in rust.
Search “steel truck bodies” and you will find that most offer a 5-7 year warranty, and for good reason.
By the time year 5 or 6 hits on the truck body’s lifespan, it will begin to show signs of rust. Ultimately, it will eventually need replaced.
This continual purchasing process is no longer necessary. Aluminum truck bodies can now provide comparable strength and durability to its steel counterparts, and it will last AT LEAST twice as long.
We offer limited LIFETIME warranties on all of our aluminum truck bodies.
Because they last.
If you are interested in a built-to-order, durable, all-aluminum truck body to add to your fleet or individual truck, please click here for a quote a consultation.